Common Chimpanzee

| Kamis, 07 Februari 2013
Common Chimpanzee

These animals can be found in the tropical forests and wet savannas of Western and Central Africa. Chimpanzee’s learn, perform organizational thinking tasks, and have a better memory then any other animal. They have been known to defeat college educated people in memory exams. They can be taught to use computers to solve numerical problems. This animal can quickly adapt and perform sign language to communicate with humans. Chimps have been observed using advanced knowledge of tools. This includes creating spears to retrieve animals out of small holes in trees, using branches to lure and catch prey, using stones to crack nuts, and leaf sponges to soak up water. They have been viewed using tactical attack maneuvers, such as flanking their prey. They often use mental manipulation within their families. The Chimpanzee Genome Project was completed in 2005. It showed that chimps share 98% of the same genetic DNA as humans. It has been approximately four to six million years since humans and chimpanzee’s diverged from their common evolutionary ancestor. Recently, chimpanzees have been seen teaching sign language to their infants without human interference. We have just begun to understand the chimpanzees true mental capabilities.

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