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| Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013
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68d06 Unik z3400669 house fly maggot sem spl Hewan hewan Ini Berbahaya Tapi Bisa Menyembuhkan
Pengidap diabetes umumnya mengalami luka di tangan dan kakinya berupa bisul yang sulit disembuhkan. Masalahnya luka itu bisa berkembang menjadi gangren dan terkadang memaksa pasien untuk diamputasi.

Peneliti dari University of Hawaii, Honolulu pun menemukan cara untuk menyembuhkan luka akibat diabetes dengan menggunakan belatung.

Pertama, dokter akan mengangkat jaringan yang terinfeksi atau mati dengan pisau bedah atau enzim (debridement), lalu 50-100 belatung spesies Lucilia sericata ditempelkan pada luka pasien dan dibiarkan selama dua hari. Prosedur ini diulangi hingga rata-rata lima kali.

Belatung mengeluarkan suatu zat ke dalam luka yang mencairkan jaringan mati kemudian menelannya.

Paduan antara luka-luka yang telah dibersihkan dan zat lainnya yang terkandung dalam cairan belatung memungkinkan terbentuknya jaringan granulasi yaitu jenis jaringan ikat yang terbentuk selama penyembuhan luka.


Posted by : rifaldi
Date :Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013
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. Seekor anjing yang menyelamatkan matador dari serangan banteng

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Buddy adalah Seekor anjing yang terlatih untuk menelpon 911 saat majikannya kejang dan ingin mengambil telepon. Stalnaker, sang majikan yang menderita kejang berbahaya, melatih Buddy untuk mengenali kapan ia kejang dan merespon dengan memegang telepon dan membawanya kepadanya.

Ketika Buddy menelpon 911 dan mendengar suara operator, ia meletakkan telepon dan merintih seolah-olah ia sedang dalam kesulitan. Lalu sistem 911 akan mencocokan panggilan ke alamat dan mengirimkan bantuan. Akhirnya Stalnaker selamat dan dibawa ke rumah sakit.

seekor anjing menyalamatkan majikannya

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Debbie Parkhurst, wanita yang berusia 45 tahun ini saat sedang sendirian di rumahnya tersedak sebuah apel. Debbie saat itu mulai memukul-mukul dadanya, hal ini menyebabkan Toby, anjing Setia Debbie, menjadi bingung.

Lalu tanpa berpikir panjang, Toby akhirnya langsung melompat ke atas dada Debbie yang sedang berbaring di lantai sambil memukul-mukul dadanya.

Toby lalu menginjak-injak dada Debbie sampai apel tersebut keluar dari mulutnya dan bernapas lagi. "Saat aku mulai bernapas, Toby hanya diam melihatku dan langsung menjilati aku", Ujar Debbie.

seekor anjing menyalamatkan majikannya

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| Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013
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Lumba-lumba bisa dibilang hewan yang paling cerdas dan sangat penurut. Lumba-lumba bisa melakukan beberapa atraksi yang hebat. Tapi tahukah kamu, ternyata lumba-lumba salah satu satwa yang paling "bejat" dalam persoalan seks. Seperti primata, mereka melakukan seks untuk demi kesenangan. Bukan hanya itu, mereka juga dikenal bisa menyelenggarakan pesta seks. 


Posted by : rifaldi
Date :Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013
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Kucing juga termasuk salah satu hewan yang mempunyai sifat unik. Uniknya ketika seekor kucing itu mau BAB. Ngerti kan maksud BAB? ^^ Jadi sewaktu dia ingin BAB, coba perhatikan pasti dia selalu mencari tempat yang banyak rumput-rumputnya atau semak-semak untuk membuangnya. Sampai sekarang saya juga tidak mengerti kenapa kucing mempunyai tingkah laku seperti ini. Kenapa buangnya gak di paret aja atau di tempat-tempat lain gitu.


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Tree Weta

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Tree Weta
Tree weta adalah..binatang yg serem abis.
Di darah mereka ada protein spesial yg membuat air tidak bisa dibekukan..berarti walaupun tree weta dibekukan, darah mereka masih bisa mengalir saat mereka bangun.
Otak dan hati mereka juga tidak berfungsi saat mereka beku..namun mereka bisa kembali berfungsi saat cair..
Jadi mereka bisa mati..lalu hidup lagi! Kayak zombie!

Tree Weta

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Water Bears

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Water Bears
Water bears adalah binatang air yg mikroskopik.
Water bear sangat susah dibunuh..mereka bahkan tdk bs di bekukan;mereka bs tahan di kedinginan -273 celcius. Mereka juga bs tahan bom nuklir..mereka bs kembali ke bentuk kering dan saat di bentuk ini mereka kebal terhadap radiasi. Mereka juga kebal terhadap nitrogen cair dan asam mineral.
Salah satunya cara membunuh water bear adalah mengirimnya ke luar angkasa..dan walaupun begitu mereka masih bisa hidup 10 hari!

Water Bears

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East African Giant Snail

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East African Giant Snail

East african giant snail mirip dgn sepupu2nya...namun bisa tumbuh sampai 8 inciPenghuni afrika timur sudah mencoba berbagai hal untuk membunuh binatang satu ini..pestisida, racun,bahkan flamethrower..tapi makhluk ini masih tidak bisa dibunuh.

East African Giant Snail

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| Kamis, 07 Februari 2013
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There are hundreds of rat species throughout the world. Rats are one of the most studied and tested animals on the planet. They have been research and test subjects for numerous famous and influential physiological studies. The reason for this is that a rat’s psychology is similar to humans and they are great for experimental comparisons. All rats learn new behaviors and tricks very easily. A 2007 study found that rats possess metacognition, which is a mental ability that has previously only been documented in humans and some primates. Rats have an amazing sense of smell and hearing. They have been trained to detect land mines and bombs. Recent research and technology has suggested that rats can even smell and identify human sputum samples infected with tuberculosis. These animals are incredible at solving mazes. Rats are social creatures and display signs of remorse, excitement, loss, and stress. They dream in a very similar way as humans. They also show amazing organizational and grooming techniques. Just remember, rats are smart and friendly creatures so don’t fear them. I included this funny rat clip.


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Date :Kamis, 07 Februari 2013
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Bottlenose Dolphins

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Bottlenose Dolphins

The cetacean family, consisting of dolphins and whales are considered the smartest animals inhabiting the ocean. The Bottlenose Dolphin lives in warm waters throughout the world and is the smartest species of dolphin. It has an extremely large brain and its cerebral cortex and frontal lobe are 40% bigger then a human. The cerebral cortex is the area of the brain responsible for social communication, abstract information processing, problem solving, and higher lever intelligence. Bottlenose dolphins are very easily trained. They have been found to have the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas, and learn from previous experiences. They use echolocation to hunt prey and certain forms of squeaks and whistles to communicate with each other. It is also interesting to see that in many occasions these dolphins show remorse for other species and signs of a conscious. In one recent story, a local dolphin named Moko saved two beached Pygmy Sperm Whales in New Zealand. The whales had been stranded for hours when Moko showed up and led the pair through the sand bars to safety. It was a glorious sight for locals and made national news.

Bottlenose Dolphins

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Common Chimpanzee

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Common Chimpanzee

These animals can be found in the tropical forests and wet savannas of Western and Central Africa. Chimpanzee’s learn, perform organizational thinking tasks, and have a better memory then any other animal. They have been known to defeat college educated people in memory exams. They can be taught to use computers to solve numerical problems. This animal can quickly adapt and perform sign language to communicate with humans. Chimps have been observed using advanced knowledge of tools. This includes creating spears to retrieve animals out of small holes in trees, using branches to lure and catch prey, using stones to crack nuts, and leaf sponges to soak up water. They have been viewed using tactical attack maneuvers, such as flanking their prey. They often use mental manipulation within their families. The Chimpanzee Genome Project was completed in 2005. It showed that chimps share 98% of the same genetic DNA as humans. It has been approximately four to six million years since humans and chimpanzee’s diverged from their common evolutionary ancestor. Recently, chimpanzees have been seen teaching sign language to their infants without human interference. We have just begun to understand the chimpanzees true mental capabilities.

Common Chimpanzee

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Rhesus Macaque Monkey

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Rhesus Macaque Monkey

Besides humans, the macaque genus is the most widespread in the world. The Rhesus Monkey is well known for its intelligence and because of this has been used extensively in biological and medical research. These animals have an incredible memory, ability to learn, and make self-decisions. They use facial expressions that are very similar and understood by humans. Rhesus Monkey’s have displayed suicidal tendencies, planned attack, and are very socially complex animals. They have detailed vocal systems that share similarities with human communication. Work on the genome sequencing of the Rhesus Monkey was completed in 2007, making it the second non-human primate to have this done. It showed that humans and macaques share 93% of their genetic DNA. The human and macaque chromosomes are mosaics of each other. This species of monkey, along with many others, has been used for monkey-baiting throughout history. This is a roman style fight between monkey’s and other exotic animals. Monkey’s performed admirably in these competitions, winning with intelligence. From this spawned the legend of Jacco Macacco, who was a celebrated monkey gladiator. With incredible technique and precision he usually dispatched of his opponent in three minutes or less.

Rhesus Macaque Monkey

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There are three living species of elephants, the African Bush Elephant, African Forest Elephant, and the Asian Elephant. All breeds are thought to inherit the same genetic genius. In many cultures elephants are seen as a symbol of wisdom and are known for their incredible memories. They create mental maps and are said to remember exact locations of watering and feeding holes they haven’t visited for years. An elephant’s brain is the largest of any land animal. Elephants have incredible hearing and they use both their ears and trunk to listen. They communicate by bellows, roars, trumpet-like calls, and can even transmit sound over long distances using the ground. These animals are one of few species that have displayed mirror self recognition and can identify themselves as independent. This is considered a base test for empathy, altruism, and higher social interactions in a species. Elephants have been noted performing a wide variety of behaviors. Including actions associated with grief, making music, compassion, play, and advanced use of tools. Elephants have an incredible sense for artistic achievement. They can paint portraits that express themselves. Check out this amazing video of an elephant painting a three-dimensional picture of another elephant.


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African Grey Parrot

| Rabu, 06 Februari 2013
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African Grey Parrot

The African Grey is a species of parrot that is found in the West and Central African rainforest. Parrots have long been able to show that they can mimic human speech, but the African Grey can associate words with their meaning and form small sentences. These birds communicate with each other through song, calls, and body language. African Grey’s can easily be trained to have conversations and perform activities. They are accomplished mimics, recreating voices and household noises perfectly. One specific example is Alex the bird. Alex can identify more then fifty objects, seven colors, five shapes, and a numerical value up to six. He understands the difference between big and small, over and under, and has even showed comprehension of emotion by telling his handlers “gonna go away” when becoming bored with testing. Then there is the story of the African Grey Parrot in Nagarey, Japan who was lost by his owners, wounded, and sent to a veterinary hospital. While in the hospital the bird began to talk with the vet proclaiming “I am Mr. Yosuke Nakamura.” He also gave his full home address right down to the last number. Sure enough he was right and returned to home, but not before entertaining the hospital with song and dance.

African Grey Parrot

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Date :Rabu, 06 Februari 2013
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The Border Collie

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The Border Collie

The Border Collie is widely considered the smartest dog breed in the world. They usually spend their time sheep herding and handling many forms of livestock, but also make a great pet. With physical exercise and various forms of mental stimulation these dogs are the quickest to learn. The breed originated on the Scottish, Welsh, and English border and the dogs made an instant impact on the farming industry. It has been determined that in certain areas of the Australian Outback a trained collie will do five times the amount of work that a human could manage. The Border Collie dominates dog sports above all other breeds. They excel at high jump, utility courses, fly-ball, and can even take first place in dog dancing competitions. They have an amazing sense of smell and are widely regarded as great tracking dogs. They can be trained as drug dogs or in search and rescue as well. This dog will clearly recognize you as an individual personality, they will learn your routine, anticipate what will happen next, and find ways to get what they want.

The Border Collie

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Ravens & Crows

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Ravens & Crows

I have bundled these two together because they are both members of the corvidae family of birds. This family is widely considered the most intelligent of all birds. Crows top the avian IQ scale, which is a scientific test to determine bird intelligence. They can count, distinguish complex shapes, and perform observational learning tasks. Crows are extremely social creatures and will engage in mid-air jousting to establish pecking order. Wild hooded crows in Israel have learned to use bread crumbs as fish bait, thinking in advance and anticipating the catch. The New Caledonian Crow has been intensely studied because of its ability to use tools in its every day search for food. This includes creating knives which are cut from leaves and stalks of grass. They also use advanced plucking, smoothing, and bending of twigs and grass stems to produce a variety of food substances. Ravens are similar to crows, but larger in size. Both species are black in color and the main difference is in their vocalizations. Ravens perform many of the same behaviors as crows, but they have been recognized for their ability to drop nuts, clams, muscles, and shells on to the highway, wait for a car to run them over, and then gather the prize.

Ravens & Crows

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Portia Labiata Jumping Spider

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Portia Labiata Jumping Spider

This species is a member of the Portia genus of spiders and is definitely the smallest creature on the list. Also known as the White-Mustached Portia, they inhabit wastelands and secondary forests in Africa, Asia, and Australia. These spiders have demonstrated learning abilities in laboratory tests and have been labeled the smartest bugs in the world. They perform astoundingly well on numerous problem solving tasks. One of their principle skills is luring other spiders from their webs for food. To do this they will pluck out rhythms at the corner of a web to mimic a trapped bug or insect intruder. If the Portia has encountered this type of spider before, then it will remember what rhythm pattern to use in order to achieve success. The Portia labiata has great eye sight and has been seen using incredible instinctive behavior. The spider uses a planned trial-and-error approach to hunting and shows a strong cognitive base. As the prey comes and goes, the spider will sit and wait for hours until it has a perfect moment to strike. Subsequently, plotting ahead and understanding that the meal will eventually return. These spiders have also shown signs of selective attention by identifying specific objects and prey over others.

Portia Labiata Jumping Spider

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kucing hutan

| Jumat, 01 Februari 2013
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Kucing dampak atau kucing hutan atau kucing kepala datar (Prionailurus planiceps) ini masih satu genus dengan kucing congkok (Prionailurus bengalensis) dan kucing bakau (Prionailurus viverrinus). Kucing dampak atau kucing hutan kepala datar ini hidup daerah lahan basah dan seperti kucing bakau, termasuk kucing yang tidak takut air bahkan jago berenang.
Kucing hutan ini sering disebut dengan beberapa nama yang berbeda mulai dari kucing hutan, kucing dampak, hingga kucing kepala datar. Dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai Flat-headed Cat. Nama ini mengacu pada bentuk kepalanya yang pipih.
Nama ilmiah hewan ini adalah Prionailurus planiceps. Sebelumnya kucing ini dimasukkan sebagai anggota genus Felis, namun sekarang bersama kucing bakau dan lucing congkok dikelompokkan sebagai anggota genus Prionailurus.
Kucing Dampak
Kucing dampak atau kucing kepala datar
Diskripsi Ciri dan Perilaku. Kucing dampak atau kucing kepala datar dewasa berukuran panjang 40 – 50 cm dengan ekor yang pendek berkisar antara 13 – 15 cm dan berat tubuh sekitar 1,5 – 2,5 kg. Badannya ditutupi bulu tebal berwarna abu-abu kecoklatan di bagian atas punggung, coklat kemerahan di bagian kepala dan putih berbintik-bintik pada bagian dada dan perut.
Kucing dampak merupakan binatang nokturnal (aktif di malam hari) dan soliter. Makanan utamanya adalah udang, ikan, katak, dan kadangkala hewan pengerat seperti tikus. Untuk memburu mangsanya, kucing ini tidak segan-segan masuk dan berenang di dalam air. Kucing kepala datar ini memang jago dalam berenang.
Suara hewan ini seperti suara kucing pada umumnya. Masa kehamilannya sekitar 56 hari sedangkan usianya mampu mencapai 14 tahun.
Distribusi dan Habitat. Kucing dampak tersebar di Semenanjung Malaya (Malaysia dan Thailand), Sumatera, dan Kalimantan (Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Brunei). Habitatnya merupakan daerah dataran rendah di hutan hujan tropis terutama di sekitar sumber air tawar (rawa-rawa dan sungai) atau daerah sekitar pantai.

kucing hutan

Posted by : rifaldi
Date :Jumat, 01 Februari 2013
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fakta tentang harimau

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Berikut ini adalah fakta-fakta tentang harimau (Panthera tigris) yang patut kita ketahui. Fakta ini penting kita ketahui apalagi berdasarkan fakta tiga subspesies harimau pernah tinggal bahkan menjadi binatang endemik di Indonesia.
Dan inilah beberapa fakta tentang sang raja hutan, harimau (Panthera tigris) yang patut kita ketahui.
  • Nama latin dari harimau adalah Panthera tigris. Kata “Panthera“
    diyakini berasal dari kata “oriental” yang berarti putih kuning. Sedangkan kata “tigris” berasal dari kata Yunani yang berarti panah yang merujuk pada kecepatan lari spesies ini saat bergerak meskipun berada di tengah hutan.
  • Harimau merupakan anggota famili felidae (kucing) sehingga masih berkerabat singa, chetah, kucing hutan, hingga kucing rumah.
  • Harimau (Panthera tigris) terdiri atas 9 subspesies yang mendiami daerah Asia mulai dari daratan Turki, Rusia, hingga Indonesia.
  • Dari 9 subspesies harimau (Panthera tigris) tiga spesies di antaranya telah punah. Ketika spesies harimau yang punah itu adalah harimau kaspia (Panthera tigris virgata) di Kaspia (tahun 1950), harimau bali (Panthera tigris balica) di Bali Indonesia (tahun 1937), dan harimau jawa (Panthera tigris sondaica) di pulau Jawa Indonesia (tahun 1972).
  • 6 subspesies harimau yang masih tersisa adalah:
    • Harimau Amur atau Siberia (Panthera tigris altaica) tersebar di China bagian utara, Korea, dan Rusia bagian timur.
    • Harimau Bengal atau India (Panthera tigris tigris) tersebar di Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar dan Nepal.
    • Harimau Indochina (Panthera tigris corbetti) tersebar di Thailand, Kamboja, Cina, Laos, Myanmar dan Vietnam.
    • Harimau Sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae) endemik pulau Sumatera, Indoesia.
    • Harimau China Selatan (Panthera tigris amoyensis) tersebar di china bagian selatan.
    • Harimau Malaya (Panthera tigris jacksoni) tersebar di Thailand selatan dan Semenanjung Malaysia.
  • Subspesies harimau yang terkecil adalah harimau sumatera dengan panjang tubuh 2,5 meter dan berat 140 kg. Sedangkan subspesies harimau terbesar adalah Harimau amur atau siberia (Panthera tigris altaica) dengan panjang tubuh mencapai 3,3 meter dan berat 300 kg.
  • Total populasi harimau di seluruh dunia diperkirakan hanya sekitar 3.200 ekor. Subspesies dengan populasi terbesar adalah Harimau bengal atau india (Panthera tigris tigris) dengan jumlah populasi sekitar 1.800 ekor yang hidup di alam liar. Sedangkan subspesies dengan populasi tersedikit adalah Harimau china selatan (Panthera tigris amoyensis) dengan jumlah populasi hanya beberapa ekor saja.
    Harimau (Panthera tigris)
  • Motif belang pada harimau sangat unik. Layaknya sidik jari pada manusia, tidak harimau yang mempunyai motif yang sama persis. Bahkan ketika bulunya dicukur habis, motif belang akan tetap ada di kulitnya.
  • Harimau dewasa mampu memakan 40 kg daging sekaligus. Setelah makan besar harimau bisa tidak makan lagi selama 1 atau 2 minggu.
  • Harimau (Panthera tigris) menyukai air dan merupakan perenang yang handal.
  • Air liur harimau berfungsi sebagai antiseptik yang membantu mengobati lukanya
  • Di Malaysia harimau dipanggil “Pak Belang” atau “Datuk Harimau”, di Vietnam dijuluki “chua son lam” (terkuat dari penghuni gunung lainnya). Di India dan Bangladesh dipanggil “Royal Bengal Tiger”.
  • Dalam mitologi India harimau merupakan tunggangan Dewa Durga, saudara manusia, dan perwujudan ibu pertiwi. Sedang dalam kebudayaan china dianggap tunggangan Dewa Cai Shen.
  • Keenam subspesies harimau terdaftar dalam CITES Appendix I yang artinya dilarang diperdagangkan secara komersial. Harima China Selatan dan Harimau Sumatera dalam daftar IUCN Red List dikategorikan Critically Endangered (Sangat Terancam Punah / Kritis) sedang 4 subspesies lainnya dikategorikan Endangered (Terancam Punah).
  • Beberapa negara menggunakan harimau sebgai simbol atau hewan nasional. Negara-negara itu adalah Malaysia, Banglades (Harimau bengal), India (Harimau bengal), Nepal (Harimau bengal), Korea Utara (Harimau siberia), Korea Selatan, China (bersama naga, dan panda; simbol tidak resmi).

fakta tentang harimau

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